by Julie Fiedler on May 8, 2015

It’s a typical Friday morning. I head into work, mentally going through the remaining items on my to-do list for the week, shedding my coat as I walk into the office and — BAM! — there they are, waiting for me on my chair: my business cards, shiny and new.

I feel a surge of joy at becoming a real employee, just as surely as Pinocchio must have felt when his wish came true and he became a real boy.

I carry my newly minted stack of cards around to show my fellow employees. I take a photo for social media. I sit up straighter in my chair.

I have arrived.

There’s nothing quite like getting your first set of business cards at a new company.

One might argue the paper and ink business card is going the way of the dodo in this digital age. But I think the tangible connection to company in the thickness of the cardstock, the feelings evoked by the colors — these things create pride of contribution in a way no virtual business card can.

Remember that scene in “American Psycho” when the main character goes crazy over the superiority of a rival’s card? Business cards matter.

The ink, printing, and paper itself say a lot about your company. And people are 23 times more likely* to remember an individual when they have a visual reminder than when they are staring at the blank “To” line of an email.

So, what does your business card say about you and your company? Do your employees feel the same thrill when they look at theirs as I did when I saw my name printed next to the New Boston logo? Do they have the same sense of pride and ownership? Do customers take your business cards and say “cool” under their breath as they flip it over in their hands?

Or do you look at your business cards and think of three-day-old leftovers? Eh.

Imagine holding a sturdy, crisp card. The aroma of fresh ink wafts up, making your head swoon ever so slightly like that first glass of champagne on New Year’s Eve. Perhaps there’s even a shiny new logo to boot — one that simply and elegantly communicates your company’s brand, positioning it for its next phase of growth and success.

We can help with that — logos and branding, print design, and (my specialty) content creation.

As for me, now it’s time to live up to the promise of my new business cards: the promise to help you be seen, be heard, and be better. My name, my title, the New Boston logo — all delivered neatly into the hands of current and potential clients.

Can I interest you in a card of your own?


* This statistic is entirely made up.