by Kristin Brighton on February 11, 2015

While it might sound cliché to advise a check-up of your company’s marketing at the beginning of the year, there’s nothing like a flip of the calendar and a long winter’s nap to make us assess what we’ve been doing, and what we should do differently in the future.

As your very own virtual marketing advisor, I’d recommend that you get a marketing check-up from an outside party every few years to make sure you’ve clearly identified and stuck to your goals, and that you aren’t letting little distractions deter you from your core mission.

To help you decide if your organization is due for a check-up, I’ve designed this nifty quiz. Please select the answer that best fits your company or organization. And remember, this quiz is for self-evaluation only, so honesty is the best policy! Being dishonest with yourself is just hurting…well…you.