by Stan Grabowski on April 30, 2015

No, I'm not talking about the latest Michael Bay movie. You don't need Bruce Willis to take a rag tag group into space for this. But if you've got a website (and who doesn't?) you need to be aware of "Mobilegeddon."

"Mobilegeddon" is a term people have come up with for the new way Google is ranking websites based on how the sites work on mobile devices. In a nutshell, if your site isn't mobile-friendly, you're going to pay a penalty in ranking when people search for your site. If you're wondering why Google is putting such emphasis on mobile optimization — or why a change in search rank could be damaging for your business — consider these stats:

  • Half of all Google searches are done on a mobile device (smartphones, not tablets).

  • Morgan Stanley's analysts have predicted that mobile Internet use will be bigger than desktop by the end of 2015. This change in the algorithm — aka Mobilegeddon — may push that prediction along.

  • The top spot on Google search results usually garners 20-30% of clicks. Positions 2 and 3 generate 5-10% of clicks combined, and anything after that only captures about 1% of audience attention. A high ranking is key.

Mobile search is big. You can't afford for your site to not show up when users search using their smartphones.

So is your website mobile-friendly? If you're not sure, Google has a test that you can run.

If it's not, it's time to find out what you should do before your rankings suffer.

The best way to make sure your site is mobile- and everything-friendly is to have it made "responsively."

A responsive website is built so it can resize and reorder content to better fit any screen it's viewed on. The same site will look good on a large monitor, a laptop, your phone or your tablet. It's not just about resizing the info, but also making the site easy to use on a small screen, often with one hand. Multiple columns shift into one column. This way users can easily scroll up and down the page with their thumbs or fingers.

Good for Your Users. Good for Your Rankings.

Since Google will now take mobile-friendliness into consideration for ranking (only for smartphone searches — tablet and desktop searches will not be affected), it's time to update to a responsive website if you haven't already.

And it's good for your users, who are most likely using a variety of devices to access your site. If your site is difficult to use, they'll look elsewhere for the products or information they need. Make sure your site encourages visitors to stick around with responsive design.

If you want to make sure your site is prepared for Mobilegeddon, contact us today. We won't sing Aerosmith, or drill into an asteroid, but we can get your site up-to-date and user-friendly.

OK, maybe we will sing Aerosmith...

I don't wanna lose my rank
I don't wanna fall a spot 
Cause I'd miss my traffic
And I don't want to miss a click