Graphic Design
Top 10 Websites for Design Inspiration
by New Boston on February 16, 2016
As designers, we see so many innovative, captivating and downright awesome designs. But when we sit down to start work on our own projects, our ideas and inspiration can go "Poof!", leaving us with designer's block. If you need a little design inspiration for your next big...
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Graphic Design Trends for 2016
by New Boston on January 14, 2016
Looking back at some of the design trends from 2015, I think many visuals already seem old and outdated. It's the same old, same old–same style, same idea–everywhere you look! In 2016, I think many trends will continue, but with a unique spin. Flat design will have depth;...
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How to Brainstorm Like a Champ
by Julie Fiedler on May 22, 2015
As a lover of the brainstorm, I thrive on the power of diverse perspectives and personalities coming together to create something new. Here are a few DOs and DON’Ts to help you brainstorm like a champ:
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I Love the Smell of Business Cards in the Morning
by Julie Fiedler on May 8, 2015
It’s a typical Friday morning. I head into work, mentally going through the remaining items on my to-do list for the week, shedding my coat as I walk into the office and — BAM! — there they are, waiting for me on my chair: my business cards, shiny and new. I feel a surge of joy...
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Was That Inspired, or Do I Just Have a Burr in My Shoe?
by Tammy Irvine on July 29, 2014
I’ve been at New Boston for a mere five months and have listened to the effortless flow of words from my colleagues. Fully engaged with work, community, and politics, it seems every topic is a springboard for idioms, parodies or some sort of dialog that leads everyone down a...
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Now THAT’S a Good Billboard
by New Boston on May 3, 2013
I’ve had occasion to drive to Salina a lot recently — six times in the past couple of months — and it’s made me more familiar with a stretch of road that I hadn’t traveled much. It’s also made me more familiar with the ice-creamy goodness that is Braum’s. But I digress…
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A New Look is Not a Magic Band-Aid: How American Airlines Went Terribly Wrong
by New Boston on January 25, 2013
Every organization — from businesses to nonprofits to communities — has a story that is being told about it. To a degree, you can be in control of your story — that’s why companies like ours exist. But sometimes, a company will try to take control of its story, and end up making...
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Explore, Experience and Enjoy: The Importance of Distinct City Taglines
by Kristin Brighton on June 12, 2012
Whenever we work with a city, we are always on the hunt for what Seth Godin calls the Purple Cow. Our job as marketing strategists is to help clients figure out what makes them distinct from the pack. And it isn’t always easy. Many Midwestern towns share many similar assets. As...
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Remember KISS?
by Kristin Brighton on March 29, 2012
No, I’m not referring to Gene Simmons’ theatrical rock band. I was referring to the old adage: Keep It Simple, Stupid. This is a lesson that I’ve learned the hard way over my career. As a big-idea person, I have a tendency to make things too complicated and detailed, so I have...
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