Principal, Owner


As a principal and co-owner of the company, Shawn Dryden translates complex tech jargon into plain language for both clients and colleagues with ease. His expertise spans web development and graphic design, while his interests include woodworking and the intricate art of origami — a man with layers like an onion! 

A chess enthusiast with a knack for order, Shawn is known for his impeccable towel-straightening and perpendicular precision moves. He’s also famous for his podcast-worthy opinions on soup. Despite a deep love for football, he frequently avoids watching games as a stress-management technique. The heartache stings less if he hasn’t had to suffer through every penalty or bad call.

Shawn enjoys cinnamon rolls and deviled eggs, remains skeptical about the quality of watermelons and is often found in the company of Shadow the cat and Dr. Flea (aka his father). Shawn's passions include troubleshooting and being awed by the size of the universe. 

Would You Rather...

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Adopt 10 cats or adopt 10 dogs? Cats. 

Have a personal chef or a housekeeper? Chef. Food is an art.

Read the book or watch the movie? Watch the movie.

Explore outer space or the ocean? Space. The ocean is legit scary.

Lose your sense of taste when eating or when drinking? Torture. Drinking, but I'm not happy about this.

Have someone narrate or sing background music for your daily life? My brain already narrates, so background music.

Learn a new instrument or a new language? New instrument. Specially, the piano.

Be able to talk to animals or babies? Animals. Cross species communication!?

Have to eat exclusively well-done steak or never eat red meat again? Well-done steak.

Sing karaoke or dance? (In front of a crowd.) Yikes. Sing, I guess.

Choose a vowel or a consonant? I'll take a consonant, Pat.