Web Developer

Stan Grabowski, a web developer with talents that extend to graphic design, has a love for travel, having explored 25 countries and counting. With a knack for building intricate Lego creations, he passes much of his other free time behind an assortment of lenses for his mirrorless digital camera. Photography helps him fill up hard drives he’ll probably never use and purchase equipment he probably doesn’t need — typical hobby stuff. His favorite subject? Zatarra the cat.

A self-described lyric butcher (“You gave love, a Band-Aid! … Is that not the Bon Jovi song?”), Stan enjoys sketching visual puns and is obsessed with the (now mothballed) U.S. Space Shuttle program. He’s a firm believer in keeping technical jargon to a minimum and creating user-friendly websites that exceed clients' dreams.

Stan takes pleasure in camping and hiking with his wife. While we’re on the subject, Stan would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone: PLEASE turn on the headlights in bad weather. 

Would You Rather...

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Travel the world on a shoestring budget or live luxuriously in one country? Travel the world on a shoestring budget...kinda like we do already! We've stayed in some sketchy places. Those are the best stories.

Attend the Oscars or the Grammys? Um...is there a difference? Whichever is shorter.

Be pals with Elmer Fudd or Bugs Bunny? Bugs. He takes things in stride.

Learn a new instrument or a new language? New language.

Visit Disney World or attend the World Series? Disney World. 

Touch a snake or touch a tarantula? My fifth grade teacher had a tarantula in the classroom. So, tarantula. 

Go without cheese or go without bread? Without cheese.

Read the book or watch the movie? Watch the movie.

Have a personal chef or a housekeeper? Chef. I can clean, but I can't cook.

Be too hot or too cold? Too cold.

Sing karaoke or dance? (In front of a crowd.) Dance I guess. That's usually the least painful of the two I've experienced.

Be a unicorn or a dragon? Dragon. I could light fires while camping more easily.

Be a famous singer or a famous actor? Actor. Fewer people want to hear me sing.

Explore outer space or the ocean? Space.