Dodge City USD 443
New Boston Creative Group worked with the Dodge City Public School system to refresh and modernize eight elementary school and middle school logos.
Logo Development
We held a kickoff meeting with USD 443 to understand their goals for the logos and get a sense of likes, dislikes, tone and style. Based on this conversation, our team set to work creating modern and professional design concepts based on their existing logos, maintaining their friendly demeanor.
Once an initial theme was created, we presented one example logo to USD 443 to establish the overall style. After that concept was approved, we translated all eight logos into the new look for a cohesive, consistent appearance throughout the school district. We provided black-and-white drafts of each logo for review, feedback and tweaks, then collaborated with the USD 443 team to select appropriate colors for each to help differentate the schools while maintaining consistency with the existing USD 443 color palette.
Graphic Standards Guide
After all logos were created and approved, NBCG produced a graphic standards guide to ensure future branding consistency and proper use of logos, colors and other elements.