Nick Patterson
Video Producer
A sports-loving film buff with a flair for storytelling, video producer Nick Patterson finds relaxation in biking around Manhattan and the Flint Hills, savoring PB&Js and exploring small Kansas towns. His passion for the cosmos is matched only by his aversion to soda of all kinds, which he finds universally unappealing.
With a reputation amongst friends for a memorable streaking incident (!!!) and a penchant for earning cash on dares, Nick is known to his family as “Nicholas,” although his adventurous exploits might not always win their approval. He maintains that in a Hunger Games scenario with animals, a hippo would reign supreme — big, ferocious and amphibious.
Nick shares a love for Harry Potter, sushi and Lord of the Rings with several colleagues, and he is particularly appreciated for his imaginative video productions and willingness to serve as the office barista. Although he claims not to have any hidden talents to unveil (perhaps he’s had enough unveiling?), he might just hold the record for the most viewings of Oppenheimer. And while he doesn’t have a pet of his own, he occasionally helps out with his roommate's cat (“which I did not sign up for”).
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Would You Rather...
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Explore outer space or the ocean? Space.
Be pals with Elmer Fudd or Bugs Bunny? Elmer Fudd, because neither of us can say our R’s well.
Drink only coffee or only tea? Coffee.
Adopt 10 cats or adopt 10 dogs? Yes. (Dogs and cats each have their strong points.)
Be a famous singer or a famous actor? Singer.
Have invisibility or the ability to fly? Fly.
Be too hot or too cold? Too cold.
Attend the Oscars or the Grammys? Oscars.
Be super rich or super powerful? Super rich.
Have unlimited sushi for life or unlimited tacos for life? SUSHI.
Learn a new instrument or a new language? Instrument.
Visit Disney World or attend the World Series? World Series.
Go without cheese or go without bread? Cheese.
Hang out with Lebron James or Leonardo DeCaprio? Leo. Lebron would get annoying quickly — he’s a bit of a drama queen.
Read the book or watch the movie? Watch the movie.
Never be stuck in traffic again or never get another cold? Cold.
Vacation in the mountains or at the beach? Mountains.
Have unlimited free travel or unlimited free food? Travel.
Touch a snake or touch a tarantula? Tarantula.