Senior Project Manager and Editor

When she’s not writing, editing or juggling multiple projects adroitly, senior project manager and editor Sarah Caldwell Hancock relishes gardening, reading, playing piano and wrangling her two dogs, Jenny (black Labrador mix with a dodgy knee) and Owen (Welsh terrier, aka the boss of everything). She's a proud mom of two successful, almost-grown sons, and they would tell you two of her most important talents are cooking and choosing excellent restaurants when the family is traveling to a new city.

Sarah still fangirls over Northern Exposure (best show ever!), British comedies like Upstart Crow and Black Adder and other quality TV but admits she has also watched Bridgerton and other “silly” (excuse us?!) shows because they make 30 minutes on the elliptical a breeze. Although she stifles a yawn at the very mention of baseball, she gets a kick from other sports, especially K-State football and basketball, and playing word games on her phone courtesy of The New York Times (who else must reach Genius on Spelling Bee every day? Anyone?).

An avid fan of contemporary literary fiction and classic English literature, Sarah’s favorite book is usually the one she is reading at the moment (friend her on Goodreads to find out). Friends and family describe her as hardworking and driven, and this shows in her passion for the varied projects, fun people and problem-solving opportunities she experiences each day at New Boston.

Would You Rather...

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Read the book or watch the movie? Book!

Visit Disney World or attend the World Series? Meh on both. World Series, I guess. Disney World is not that great.

Go without cheese or go without bread? Without cheese

Vacation in the mountains or at the beach? I like both. But usually mountains.

Be too hot or too cold? Too cold

Have to eat exclusively well-done steak or never eat red meat again? I could deal with well-done steak.

Be super rich or super powerful? Rich

Eat a sweet or savory breakfast? SWEET

Touch a snake or touch a tarantula? Snake