Fade in: Your Target Customer sits at desk staring at computer. Your company’s online video plays. YTC nods head enthusiastically and navigates to website. SFX: Mouse click. Cut to black.

That’s the power of Hollywood, baby, and it’s right here in the Midwest.

Video is one of the best ways to capture attention. But, woefully, many businesses pooh-pooh it. “Video wouldn’t work for my company.” “It’s too hard to make a video.” “Why can’t I just have my nephew shoot something on his smartphone?” And that’s where we come in.

We’ll help you decide what makes sense for your goals—web video, TV commercial, or even a radio spot. Then we’ll plan, shoot, and edit to make some magic with eye-catching visuals, compelling narrative, and artful sound. Because the only thing worse than having no video, is having poor-quality video.

So, have your people call our people and we’ll do lunch.

One-Stop Production Company

From concept to cut, we’ll manage the entire process. You’ll get quality TV commercials, how-to videos, and even podcasts (red carpet optional).

  • Video editing
  • Production design
  • Script writing
  • Casting
  • Audio production
  • Animation

See our video work Get in Touch