Addie Justus
Senior Content Marketer
A committed Francophile with a refreshingly sunny demeanor, senior content marketer Addie Justus is an unwavering optimist. She brings strong communication skills, digital knowledge and a cheerleader-esque support style to her work.
Addie’s passion for travel is evident, having jet-setted to more than 20 countries (she has airport navigation down to a science) and created many TikToks to document her adventures. Her obsessions include European history, Taylor Swift and gluten-free baking, none of which are likely to change anytime soon. Known for her marvel at the simplicity of contact lenses and her knack for crafting Instagram captions, she brings a wide-ranging perspective and a consistently positive attitude to her digital marketing efforts.
Although she travels too often to have pets (“But we want a dog so badly!”), Addie’s fur-loving colleagues don’t hold that against her, instead letting her ooh and ahh over their pictures of furry friends — all the while valuing her professional diligence and engaging demeanor.
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Drink only coffee or only tea? Venti almond milk latte with one pump of vanilla! …coffee.
Visit Disney World or attend the World Series? World Series.
Hang out with Lebron James or Leonardo DiCaprio? Leo.
Travel the world on a shoestring budget or live luxuriously in one country? Luxury, baby.
Live in a remote mansion or a high-rise city apartment? High-rise hustle and bustle!
Read the book or watch the movie? Read the book.
Be a famous singer or a famous actor? Actor. I have a flair for the dramatic.
Choose a vowel or a consonant? Vowel.
Be too hot or too cold? Too cold.
Have someone narrate or sing background music for your daily life? Narrator. Preferably David Attenborough.
Learn a new instrument or a new language? New language.
Have the right answer or a comforting word? Comforting word. Which is good, because that’s usually the case.