Principal, Owner

As a principal and co-owner, Kristin Brighton is celebrated for crafting inventive “Kristinisms” — mixed metaphors and other faux-loquialisms — oh, and her strategic prowess. Her career in communications began early, with a neighborhood newspaper she produced using her parents' copier — showcasing a true entrepreneurial spirit from a young age.

Kristin’s preferred source for new shows is AppleTV+, where she often indulges in her love for BBC-style costume dramas. Speaking of favorites, Kristin’s all-time book pick is Jane Eyre for its trailblazing girl-power themes. Her alternative career path? Panda snuggling. (We’re glad she chose marketing.) 

Outside of work, Kristin advocates for career and technical education and serves on the local school board. She enjoys the company of local critters like foxes and lizards in her yard. Known as KB around the office, she’s a masterful big-picture thinker who is adept at managing large campaigns and complex strategies.

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Would You Rather...

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Have a personal chef or a housekeeper? Housekeeper.

Be pals with Elmer Fudd or Bugs Bunny? Bugs is definitely cuter.

Have invisibility or the ability to fly? Fly.

Be able to talk to animals or babies? Animals.

Have unlimited sushi for life or unlimited tacos for life? Tacos.

Be too hot or too cold? Too cold.

Learn a new instrument or a new laguage? Language.

Visit Disney World or attend the World Series? Go to Disney World.

Have to eat exclusively well-done steak or never eat red meat again? Never have red meat again.